YouTube’s Latest Partnerships

YouTube's Commitment to Preserving Artistic Integrity in the Age of AI-driven Creativity.


YouTube Announces Music Industry Partnerships For Responsible AI Development

YouTube's diving deeper into AI, folks! Neal Mohan, the big boss at YouTube, says they're all in on AI's potential but want to do it right. They're teaming up with music bigwigs, like Universal Music Group, to mix AI and music without stepping on artists' toes. This new "Music AI Incubator" project? It's all about bringing famous artists into the AI world and checking out the latest AI music magic.

YouTube ain't new to the music game, and they've always had the back of musicians. With AI blowing up, they're investing in tech like Content ID to make sure artists get their fair cut and protect their work from being misused. They're also ramping up safety measures for AI-made content.

YouTube believes AI can boost creativity in the music world. But it's all about keeping it real and respecting the artists. So, stay tuned for some AI-powered tunes!

Snapchat is expanding further into generative AI with ‘Dreams’

Snapchat's diving deeper into the AI pool, folks. After launching that chatbot that can reply with a Snap and not just text, they're rolling out a new feature called "Dreams." This feature will let users drop their selfies into crazy, imaginative backgrounds. Think: photos of you, but in places and situations you've only daydreamed about.

The idea isn't brand new; some other apps do something similar. Like that Remini app that blew up on TikTok? People were getting those crisp LinkedIn pics without dropping cash on a photoshoot. But Snapchat? They're going big. They don't want the usual; they're aiming for the out-of-this-world. Clear selfies will be key – no photobombers or shades hiding your eyes. And the more faces you give them (smiling, frowning, side-view), the better. Plus, there's talk of a "Dreams with Friends" feature. Imagine you and your buddy, together in a wild AI-made pic! And hey, they might even sell Dream Packs, making some extra coin from this new tool.

This feature was first caught by tech-sleuth Alessandro Paluzzi. Now, it's picking up steam and might be a big thing on Snapchat. Snapchat? They're keeping their lips zipped about the whole thing.

New 'BeFake' social media app encourages users to transform their photos with AI

There's a new app called BeFake AI that's flippin' the script on social media. While most apps want you to be "real", BeFake's all about letting you jazz up your pics with AI magic. It's kind of poking fun at another app called BeReal, which wants folks to share pics in the moment, without any touch-ups.

With BeFake, you get pinged to post pics, but you get to put some artsy AI spin on them first. But here's the kicker: even after all that fancy editing, anyone can swipe to see your original snap. Unless you shell out some cash (around 10 bucks a month or even cheaper if you commit for the long haul), then you get to keep things on the down-low and enjoy some extra perks.

Before you jump in and download from your app store, just a heads-up: they might use your data for things like making their AI smarter. So, be cool and always read the fine print!

Dipp uses AI to fix bottlenecks between marketing and design teams

Jennifer Chen and Mikhail Abramov, once art directors in NYC, saw too much back-and-forth between sales, marketing, and design teams. It was like they were playing a game of telephone, but with extra steps. So, they kicked off dipp about three years back to make everything smoother. Using dipp, marketing teams can make changes without always bugging designers. Say a price changes – it's as easy as updating a spreadsheet. Dipp’s got the big dogs on board like Levi’s and Estée Lauder, mainly focusing on big brands in Taiwan. But now, they're spreading their wings to Southeast Asia.

Unlike other platforms, dipp is tailored for e-commerce in Asia where selling online is like juggling – lots of sites, all with their own rules. Dipp is cooking up some AI magic to bridge any gaps between marketing and design teams. They recently got a $1.5 million boost in seed funding, mainly for expanding their crew and dabbling more in AI. Big investors see dipp's potential, especially as e-commerce is booming in Asia. Bottom line: dipp’s on a mission to make e-commerce workflows slicker than your average.

This 'mind-reading' AI system can recreate what your brain is seeing

Singapore scientists whipped up a new "mind-reading" AI named MinD-Vis. This bad boy peeks into brain waves and can paint a picture of what you're eyeballing. They tested this on 58 folks, showing 'em thousands of images while getting an MRI brain scan. The AI then pairs the scans with the pics, essentially learning how to "see" what you're thinking. One researcher said it's kinda like how ChatGPT gets human language, then dishes it out in a way that another AI, Stable Diffusion, can grasp. The images recreated by MinD-Vis are pretty darn close to the real thing.

Down the road, this tech could be a game-changer. Think paralyzed folks moving robot limbs with their thoughts, or even VR users zipping around a virtual world, no hands needed! But, there's still a long road ahead. The tech's still young, and there are big challenges, like differences in our brain structures and how they work. Plus, there's the icky side of things: privacy concerns and the chance of AI-spilled secrets. As the world of AI grows, we've gotta set up some ground rules to keep everything on the up-and-up. Got time? Check out the video above for the full scoop.

Developers are now using AI for text-to-music apps

AI is spicing up the music scene! Developers are using AI tools, like those big-brained LLMs, to transform text into tunes. Enter Songburst, a fresh app by Brett Bauman. Just type a mood like "chill study vibes" or "groovy podcast jams", and boom, you've got a music snippet. Stuck for words? The app offers prompt categories from gaming to meditation. Now, while the app is a bit limited (think 30-second tracks), Bauman's aiming to jazz it up further.

A subscription to Songburst will cost ya $9.99 a month or 80 bucks annually. With it, you get 20 song credits monthly and the chance to snag your tracks in mp3. And if you're hungry for more, extra credit packs are up for grabs.

British media and creative industries quizzed over AI risks to copyright

The UK government is tapping into the concerns of the British media and creative industries about the potential copyright risks posed by AI-generated content. Officials from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport have reached out to industry executives, asking for insights into their concerns about AI's impact on their sectors.

Media groups are worried about tech companies using their content to train chatbots without proper licensing, while others in the music, publishing, and broadcasting industries have issues with AI exploiting their original works, such as creating "deep fake" productions. Some tech and media companies are already discussing licensing AI-generated content based on copyrighted material.

The government is looking for ways to monetize and control content used by AI and to establish robust measures to prevent or address copyright infringements by AI models. Executives fear that the government's eagerness to make the UK a global AI hub could overshadow the potential risks to the media and creative sectors. A global summit on AI regulation will take place in the UK in November.

Malicious AI arrives on the dark web

Since OpenAI released ChatGPT last year, folks on the dark web have been brainstorming how to use it for no good. They're bending the rules, getting around safety and ethical limits, and using AI for more harmful tricks. Now, they're making their own AI tools for criminal purposes.

WormGPT, the first of these tools, showed up on the dark web in July. It's being sold as a no-holds-barred version of ChatGPT, based on the open-source GPT-J model from 2021. It has features like unlimited character inputs, memory retention, and coding abilities. It's meant for things like phishing, business email attacks, and writing bad code. The tool is being updated all the time and is sold by subscription.

FraudGPT, another tool, went up for sale a little later. It's based on GPT-3 tech and is being sold as an advanced bot for bad stuff. It can write malicious code, create sneaky malware and hacking tools, create phishing pages, and find security holes. It's more about quick, high-volume phishing attacks, while WormGPT focuses on making fancy malware and ransomware.

There are already two new malicious AI tools in the works that go beyond WormGPT and FraudGPT. The maker of FraudGPT is working on DarkBART and DarkBERT, two bots that will have internet access and work with Google Lens. DarkBERT was actually made to fight cybercrime, not help it!

Using Generative AI Resurrect The Dead Will Create A Burden For The Living

Trying to keep the dead alive online ain't a walk in the park. Generative AI, like ChatGPT, can whip up chatbots that sound just like our dearly departed. Sounds cool, right? But, here's the rub: someone's gotta keep these digital ghosts running, and that's a lot of work. Imagine needing to remember Granny's passwords, dealing with her outdated smart home gadgets, and keeping her digital pics from going poof.

Plus, technology doesn't last forever. Even with mad effort, gadgets break, websites vanish, and formats get outdated. Remember Intellitar's Virtual Eternity? It tried to recreate folks with AI but tanked in 2012. And, the dream of digital immortality? Costly! Just running ChatGPT burns a hole in the pocket – about $700K daily. That's a fast track to bankruptcy.

Then there's the big question: Who gets to decide if Uncle Bob becomes a chatbot? Not everyone's on board with that idea. One guy made a bot of his passed-away fiancée. Sweet or creepy? His choice, but her family wasn't too thrilled. Even if you get attached to your digital dearly departed, developers can pull the plug anytime. Sometimes, they even build in a "battery life" to these bots.

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