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  • What is Perplexity AI? Tutorials, Examples and More

What is Perplexity AI? Tutorials, Examples and More

Perplexity AI is also the name of an AI-powered search engine and chatbot that leverages advanced technologies such as natural language processing and machine learning to provide users with accurate and contextual answers to their queries.

Founders and Vision

Founded in 2022 by a team with backgrounds from OpenAI, Meta, Quora, and Databricks, Perplexity AI aims to democratize access to knowledge by providing a powerful search engine with impressive capabilities.

Features and User Experience

Perplexity AI offers a range of features designed to enhance the user experience, including:

- **Perplexity Copilot**: A guided AI search for deeper exploration.

- **Voice or Text Queries**: Users can ask questions using either modality.

- **Thread Follow-Up**: This feature allows for continued conversation and deeper understanding.

- **Cited Sources**: Every answer is accompanied by cited sources for transparency and trust.

- **Personalized Responses**: The AI system tailors responses based on user preferences and history.

How Perplexity AI Stands Out

Perplexity AI differentiates itself from other AI tools by providing a more personalized and transparent user experience.

It is designed to act as a research assistant, offering prompt suggestions and leveraging the power of multiple large language models (LLMs) for a comprehensive knowledge discovery process.

Perplexity AI vs. Other AI Tools

While there are other AI platforms like ChatGPT, Perplexity AI is designed with a focus on search and discovery, providing a unique combination of AI chatbot functionality and a powerful search engine.

It is often compared to Google for its ability to deliver precise and up-to-date answers, but with the added benefit of AI-driven conversation and context understanding.

Accessibility and Support

Perplexity AI is available as a mobile app on both Android and iOS platforms, offering a seamless experience across devices.

The platform also provides support through various channels, including email and a Discord server.


Perplexity AI, in both its theoretical and practical applications, represents a significant advancement in the field of AI and NLP.

As a measure, it helps in evaluating the performance of language models, while as an AI tool, it provides users with a powerful platform for information discovery and knowledge sharing.

Whether you are a data scientist interested in model evaluation or a user seeking accurate information, Perplexity AI offers valuable resources to meet your needs.


1. Wikipedia - Perplexity

2. Perplexity AI Official Website

3. KLu AI - Perplexity in AI and NLP

4. TechSlang - Perplexity in NLP: Definition, Pros, and Cons

5. Google Play Store - Perplexity App

6. TOPBOTS - The Relationship Between Perplexity And Entropy In NLP

7. AI For Folks - What Is Perplexity AI? A Deep Dive into AI's Latest Phenomenon

8. Apple App Store - Perplexity App

9. HyScaler - How to Use Perplexity AI? Know How Perplexity AI Works

10. DotCom Magazine - Perplexity AI: Understanding the Language Model Evaluation Metric

11. Perplexity AI - Get the Android App

12. Reddit - Discussion on Perplexity AI



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