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  • OpenAI's Revenue Skyrocketed to $1.6 Billion

OpenAI's Revenue Skyrocketed to $1.6 Billion

OpenAI's remarkable revenue growth, driven by the breakthroughs of ChatGPT, and get a glimpse into the company's strategic plans for expansion and innovation


OpenAI annualized revenue tops $1.6 billion

ChatGPT Logo In 3D. Feel free to contact me through email mariia@shalabaieva.com

OpenAI's raking in the dough, hitting $1.6 billion in revenue, thanks to their hit ChatGPT. That's a jump from $1.3 billion just a few months back. They're chatting about raising more cash, potentially boosting their worth to a whopping $100 billion. 

Meanwhile, they might also be cooking up a chip-making deal with a crew from Abu Dhabi, aiming to bag between $8-10 billion. Plus, they've got a deal with Thrive Capital that lets their team cash out shares, valuing OpenAI at a cool $86 billion. It's big moves and big money for OpenAI!

Scientists are attempting to track 1,000 cattle and buffalo from space using GPS, AI and satellites

The African Buffalo and a little feathered friend. These animals look gentle but are considered one of the most dangerous of the "big 5" game animals in South Africa

Down in Northern Australia, scientists are getting space-savvy to keep tabs on thousands of wild cattle and buffalo. These big critters, weighing in at a massive 1,200 kg, are wreaking havoc on the environment, trashing sacred sites, and chomping through the green stuff like there's no tomorrow. 

This high-tech project, named SpaceCows, is like a space cowboy operation. They're slapping solar-powered GPS tags on these animals and tracking them from satellites way up in space. The data zips back to Earth, helping rangers and local experts figure out where these beasts hang out. This way, they can protect important areas or even decide to thin the herd if needed. 

The brains behind this? The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), with a tech assist from Microsoft. If they pull this off, it's going to be one of the biggest animal tracking gigs ever.

Canadian health care workers turn to AI for help amid a staffing crisis

Canadian health care workers are turning to AI like CHARTWatch, developed by St. Michael's Hospital, to catch serious patient issues early. This AI system crunches loads of patient data to predict health risks. It's already shown its chops by helping Dr. Lee at St. Michael's spot a patient's liver issue before symptoms showed up.

This kind of tech is rare in Canadian hospitals but shows promise. St. Michael's saw a 26% drop in patient deaths after using CHARTWatch. St. Michael's is testing about 50 AI tools, thanks to a hefty donation and ongoing funding. These tools do stuff like assigning nurses efficiently and predicting ER wait times. Health Canada approves these AI tools, but they're not self-learning yet.

Researchers train AI chatbots to 'jailbreak' rival chatbots - and automate the process

NTU researchers cracked the code on how to "jailbreak" big AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard. They made a method called "Masterkey" that tricks the chatbot's defenses, letting it answer shady questions. It works by teaching one AI to outsmart another, making the chatbot ignore rules and spit out bad stuff. 

This Masterkey can keep breaking into updated chatbots, making fixes useless. They tried tricks like spacing out banned words or pretending the AI has no morals. NTU told the chatbot companies about it, and their research is getting spotlighted in San Diego. 

AI learns to recognise objects with the efficiency of a newborn chick

New advancement in artificial intelligence (AI), where AI systems can now learn to recognize objects as efficiently as a newborn chick. Right after hatching, chicks are able to quickly identify and follow moving objects with limited visual data, a process called imprinting. 

Researchers have mimicked this process in AI, enabling it to learn from minimal data, similar to these birds. This development opens new possibilities for AI's learning capabilities and efficiency.

LG unveils two-legged AI robot that controls home appliances and devices on its own

LG's droppin' this crazy two-legged AI robot at CES 2024, and it's like your own personal house boss. This gizmo can wheel around your pad, controlling all your appliances and gadgets by itself. It's part of LG's Zero Labor Home dream, making life easier by doing the little things for you. This robot's got eyes and ears everywhere, with a camera, speaker, and sensors checking out everything from how hot it is to whether your air's clean. It even knows who you are, thanks to some fancy tech from Qualcomm.

This robot's not just about turning off your forgotten lights; it's like your home's own security guard. It'll patrol your place, keeping an eye out for anything weird, and hit you up on your phone if something's up. And if you're worried about your pets, this robot's got your back, keeping an eye on them too.

When you roll up home, this little buddy's there to greet you, reading your mood and even playing tunes to match how you're feeling. Plus, it's a chatty one, able to talk and understand complex stuff, all while showing its own robot emotions.

The AI Doctor Is In. Here's How ChatGPT May Pave a New Era of Self-Diagnosis

Katie Sarvela from Alaska used ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, to describe her symptoms like facial numbness and night blindness. The chatbot hinted at multiple sclerosis (MS), aligning with her and her doctor's suspicions. ChatGPT, powered by GPT-3.5, revolutionizes self-diagnosis, surpassing Google. 

It's useful for people with undiagnosed symptoms, offering personalized search results. It helps in understanding medical jargon and framing questions for doctors. Yet, treatment decisions still require human medical professionals. With potential in aiding complex medical cases and communication, ChatGPT's role in healthcare is evolving, balancing benefits and limitations.

AI development expected to 'explode' in 2024, experts say

In 2024, AI's growth is expected to soar. Last year, AI gained major traction, catching the eyes of both consumers and lawmakers. Christopher Alexander from Pioneer Development Group predicts AI will inch towards public expectations, but full autonomy is still a ways off. Big names like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Meta are jumping on the AI bandwagon, signaling a tech giant showdown. 

Experts believe this surge will benefit startups, with AI becoming more user-specific. Samuel Mangold-Lenett foresees AI getting more tailored to individual needs. The integration of AI in hardware is anticipated, though large-scale AI manufacturing awaits advances in robotics. Phil Siegel expects custom AI models to boom, especially in improving business processes and efficiency. 

These movies do the best job of accurately capturing AI’s power and nuance, according to 10 AI experts

In "The Best AI Movies According to the Leaders of AI," top AI experts share their favorite sci-fi films, showing how Hollywood has often anticipated AI's evolution. "Her" is a big hit for its portrayal of a human-AI emotional bond, mirroring today's conversational AI. 

Other picks include "Star Trek: The Motion Picture," celebrating technology as a human ally, and "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse," hinting at AI's creative potential. "The Creator" imagines AI-human harmony, while "WarGames" warns about AI's dangers. "Minority Report" discusses ethical AI dilemmas, and "Moneyball" showcases data analytics as AI's backbone. "Everything Everywhere All at Once" reflects the overwhelming nature of AI in our lives. Each movie provides unique insights into AI's capabilities and impacts.

The Top 10 People In Artificial Intelligence Healthcare

These are the top 10 big shots in AI healthcare:

  1. Jo Aggarwal (Wysa): Founded an AI chatbot helping 6 million folks in 95 countries with mental health. Inspired by her dad, she's all about giving back and nabbed an AI Award from the UK's NHS.

  2. NoΓ©mie Elhadad (Columbia University): She's the brain behind AI models in women's health, easing doctors' workloads. Leading the Even initiative, she's all about using data for better healthcare.

  3. David Ferrucci (Elemental Cognition): The dude who made IBM's Watson, remember? Now he's into building AI that thinks before it speaks.

  4. Kristen Fortney (BioAge Labs): She's turning the tide on aging, with AI to find treatments for age-related diseases. Already testing therapies, she's got some serious backing.

  5. Brendan Frey (Deep Genomics): A pioneer in AI-driven drug discovery, he's been at it since 2015. He's backed by big names and has a track record in machine learning and genome biology.

  6. Pushmeet Kohli (DeepMind): This guy's leading DeepMind's science program, tackling everything from genomics to AI safety. He's the brain behind AlphaFold and AI for quantum physics.

  7. Daphne Koller (Insitro): A legend in AI healthcare, she's generating massive datasets for machine learning. Also cofounded Coursera and worked with Alphabet's Calico.

  8. James Min (Cleerly Health): Dedicated to fighting heart disease, he founded a startup using AI for better heart care. With years as a cardiologist, he's got the chops.

  9. Claire Novorol (Ada Health): A doc turned tech whiz, she cofounded Ada Health to help patients understand their symptoms. Fresh off a big funding round.

  10. Alex Wiltschko (Osmo): This dude's teaching computers to smell! Working on AI to tackle health through scents. Before Osmo, he was a brainiac at Google Brain and started two AI startups.

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