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  • Magic Compose Beta, AI in Finance by JPMorgan, and Clipdrop's Latest Launch

Magic Compose Beta, AI in Finance by JPMorgan, and Clipdrop's Latest Launch

Discover the groundbreaking Google's Magic Compose Beta and understand its privacy implications. Learn how JPMorgan is reshaping the financial industry with 'IndexGPT,' their new AI stock picker. Plus, get a first look at Clipdrop's Reimagine XL.


Google’s Magic Compose beta is here — but it sends your messages to Google

Google's latest roll-out: the Magic Compose. This whiz-bang is aimed at helping you pen those text messages. Now, before you jump on the bandwagon, let's dish the dirt. Every time you let this magical tool take the reins, it sends up to 20 of your previous messages over to Google's headquarters to help with the word salad.

Sure, they promise not to peek at your attachments, voice messages, or images, but do take note - your voice transcriptions and image captions might be sent on a little trip. So, if you're one to spill the beans in your captions, maybe think twice.

Remember how Google swears it can't read your RCS messages even if you were to hand deliver them? Well, that still stands, even with Magic Compose. They claim they can't read 'em, don't keep 'em, and once the AI has whipped up your response, it doesn't keep that either. If you're thinking, "Hold up, does this mean Google has my messages if I don't use Magic Compose?" Well, don't fret. Your messages stay put unless you summon the AI genie.

For the curious cats out there, Magic Compose is this cool thingy that generates these stylized responses to your text messages, and you can tweak 'em to sound like you're laid-back, or jumping out of your skin, or even channeling your inner Shakespeare. As of now, it's only a thing with RCS messages, and nobody's spilling any beans about when it might start playing ball with SMS/MMS.

And just so you know, Google's not the only one having fun with AI. Microsoft's been toying with something similar in its SwiftKey app, using their old buddy Bing. So folks, welcome to the future where machines write our messages for us. Ain't technology a hoot?

Meet ‘IndexGPT,’ the A.I. stock picker JPMorgan is developing that may put your ‘financial advisor out of business’

JPMorgan Chase, the big dog on Wall Street, has decided to dip its toes further into the world of artificial intelligence. They're busy cooking up a new AI tool, dubbed "IndexGPT", that's gonna help folks choose stocks. Kind of like a robo-advisor, if you catch my drift. Their big idea? Give Wall Street a run for its money and maybe put some suit-and-tie financial advisors on the bench.

Seems they've filed some papers with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, hoping to secure their latest brainchild. A legal eagle interviewed by CNBC reckons this is a clear sign that JPMorgan is on the verge of releasing this AI wonder onto the world. "They ain't doing this for kicks," he says.

But IndexGPT ain't just gonna whisper stock tips into investors' ears. Nope, the trademark application mentions it could be put to use in all sorts of areas - from advertising to fund investments and even help out with those pesky clerical tasks.

JPMorgan's been rather hush-hush about the whole thing, not saying a peep about the application or their AI ambitions. But it's no secret they've been toying with AI for a while. They've been using it to make predictions about the Federal Reserve and their boss, Jamie Dimon, has been praising AI up and down, calling it "staggering."

Mind you, JPMorgan isn't the only one playing with AI toys. Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are also fiddling around with AI to better understand their mounds of research and help their advisors provide top-notch service. So, buckle up, folks. Looks like the future of finance might just be one big AI party.

Clipdrop launches Reimagine XL

ClipDrop is back at it, wheeling out a fresh piece of tech named Reimagine XL. Remember those cool postcards by Yumeji Takehisa? Yeah, it's about making stuff like that with a new Stable Diffusion AI. The basic idea? You give it an image and, quicker than a New York minute, it serves up a spiffy new image inspired by the original.

But here's the catch. While it can sometimes whip up images that'll knock your socks off, other times it might just serve you a side of 'meh'. It's like the lotto, sometimes you hit the jackpot, sometimes you don't.

And remember folks, no funny business! They've built in a filter to block naughty requests, but it might accidentally let a few through, or, the other way around, block some good'uns. Kinda like your grandma trying to use her spam filter.

Even with all the high tech hoopla, it might churn out some weird results, or show a little bias here and there. It's not perfect, but they're eager to hear your feedback so they can keep tinkering and refining.

Now, let's get down to the nuts and bolts. Reimagine XL takes an image and cooks up a brand new one, but it's not just a copycat. It's like the kid who uses the original image as a springboard to do its own thing. Doesn't borrow any pixels, either, so the final image is a one-of-a-kind. Think about it like a painter inspired by a scene but creating their own unique canvas. So, give it a whirl, who knows? You might end up with your own digital Monet.

AI could automate 300 million jobs. Here's which are most (and least) at risk

Goldman Sachs is saying AI is fixin' to snatch about 300 million jobs off the table. This ain't no office pool prediction – it's like seeing the ball rolling towards the pins and knowing a strike's on the horizon.

This big-shot bank reckons 25% of the labor market might get automated. Office folks, like those in admin, legal, architecture, and engineering jobs are in the hot seat. But if you're swinging hammers or fixing things, you're pretty safe – construction, installation, repair, and maintenance jobs ain't sweating bullets just yet.

Now, if you're living in the U.S., U.K., Japan, or Hong Kong, they say about 28% of the workforce could get automated. That's more than a quarter of y'all! But, don't go crying into your beer yet. The study's also saying workers can coexist with AI, kinda like dogs and vacuum cleaners. Sure, the vacuum cleaner might take over some of the dog's "cleaning" duties, but the dog can now focus on fetching the paper or barking at the mailman.

In the end, they figure jobs that get zapped by AI might just create new ones, like an assembly line of dominoes. Take the IT boom for example – it led to a demand for software developers, who then needed more education, leading to a demand for more teachers.

But not everyone's sipping the Kool-Aid. Folks like Steve Wozniak, Rachel Bronson, and Elon Musk signed an open letter to hit the brakes on AI experiments. They're worried that we're letting the AI horse bolt out of the barn without checking if we've got the hay to feed it.

And the shakeup's already begun. IBM announced they'll be giving 8,000 jobs the boot for AI, starting with HR. Amazon and Meta are cutting staff and projects to ride the AI wave. Not to create another ChatGPT, but to spin AI into advertising and shopping.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce ain't sitting idle, calling for more control over AI at the federal level. This here's a pretty big deal, folks. We're not just inventing a better mousetrap; we're changing the entire ecosystem. Hold on to your hats, it's going to be one heck of a ride!

How ChatGPT Is Reshaping The C-Suite, With New AI Leadership Position

Wall Street's going gaga over Nvidia, a chipmaker whose AI chips are jazzing up the future. Stocks are through the roof. It's clear folks are all about AI, with Nvidia becoming the belle of the ball, replacing FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) as the market's top dog.

This AI buzz isn't just rattling Wall Street. The C-Suite's feeling the tremors too, with a new whiz kid on the block - the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer or CAiO. A bigwig whose sole job is to lasso in AI power, like that from ChatGPT, to make sure companies ride the AI wave rather than being wiped out.

MIT eggheads claim ChatGPT's boosting productivity and morale across sectors. But hold your horses, are these boffins suggesting AI's here to "liberate workers," not to take over their jobs? Hmmm.

Digital maestro Kevin Page believes industries neck-deep in communication will be the first to warm up to this CAiO business. He sees the CAiO as the ultimate storyteller, conjuring up immersive experiences using AI. Hollywood scriptwriters might want to watch their backs.

As per the National Bureau of Economic Research, workplaces using generative AI saw a 14% hike in productivity, with workers and customers being "happier." Could it be? A world of AI-powered efficiency? Or are we just strapped to a runaway tech-train with no brakes?

Dealing with AI's like wrangling a wild cat. The CAiO's job? Step into the lion's den and make sure the big cat behaves. And doesn't maul the entire audience.

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