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  • Duet AI's New Google Cloud Features

Duet AI's New Google Cloud Features

Duet AI seamlessly blends into your Google Cloud workflow, offering contextual assistance for SQL queries, real-time code suggestions, and much more


Duet AI, Google’s AI assistant suite, expands across Google Cloud

Google's got this new tool called Duet AI, which helps folks do a bunch of things related to coding. They're rolling it out in more parts of Google Cloud. Basically, if you're a coder or work on tech projects, you can ask Duet AI to help you out, like changing code or even getting tips on how to run things smoothly. It's like having a buddy you can chat with to get instant advice or assistance. Plus, Google’s making it so that big companies can tweak Duet AI to know more about their own stuff, so it gives even more personalized advice.

But it's not just for coders. If you're into data, Duet can help you dig through it more easily, turning your questions into actual code queries. It's even making moves into Google’s Database Migration Service, automating the task of moving data from other platforms into Google Cloud.

Google Cloud and NVIDIA Expand Partnership to Advance AI Computing, Software and Services

Google Cloud and NVIDIA are doubling down on their partnership to soup up AI capabilities. They're rolling out new hardware and software for customers who want to build big AI models fast. Google's already been using NVIDIA tech for its own projects, and now they're making it easy for others to tap into that power.

They're jazzing up PaxML, a framework for making large language models, so it works smoother on NVIDIA's high-end GPUs. They’re also integrating NVIDIA's tech into Google's Dataproc service to speed up data prep for AI projects.

Google's launching new virtual machines souped-up with NVIDIA's latest H100 GPUs. These VMs are gonna be three times faster than the old ones. Plus, NVIDIA's monster AI supercomputer, DGX GH200, will be available on Google Cloud for folks looking to push the envelope on AI.

Google made a watermark for AI images that you can’t edit out

Google's whipped up a slick new tool, SynthID, that stamps AI-made images with a watermark. What's cool? You can't see it, but detection tools sure can. Google's main man, Hassabis, says it's like a ninja - even if you mess with the pic (crop it, resize it), that watermark's not budging.

They're keeping the techy deets on the down-low, but they're itching to see it put through its paces. Some folks think it might be the next big thing for catching fake stuff online, like deepfakes. Not just for Google either, but for the whole wide web.

But, there's a catch. Every time you make a tool to spot fakes, some smarty-pants hacker tries to beat it. Hassabis is geared up for that game of cat and mouse. For now, they're just testing the waters, but the big dream? Making sure we can tell what's real and what's AI, especially in a world where fake news could spread like wildfire.

SAP and Google Cloud Enhance Open Data Cloud With New Generative AI Solutions for Enterprises

SAP and Google Cloud are teaming up to make business decisions smarter using something called generative AI. They're starting with the car industry and also focusing on making companies more earth-friendly.

What's the big deal? They're using AI to analyze data better, which means companies can make smarter choices, like avoiding car recalls or reducing waste. Both SAP and Google have a history of working together, and they're planning on sticking around to keep evolving this tech.

Google Chat's Slack-inspired redesign embraces useful AI features

Google Chat is getting some snazzy updates. Remember Hangouts? Well, they've totally moved past that. Now, Google is all-in on Chat for online business folks and regular texting. With big players like Slack in the same game, Google's stepping up.

They've spruced up Chat's look and threw in some cool tools. They've got this "Huddles" thing, kinda like Slack's, where you can jump into quick calls with your team. And here's the kicker: they've introduced Duet AI. It's like having an AI buddy on your team to help out with checking stuff, summing up docs, or filling you in on missed chats.

Google brings new AI to AlloyDB and database migration service

Google's cookin' up some slick upgrades for its cloud databases, and they're tossin' in some AI magic to make things even cooler. First off, they're launching AlloyDB AI, which is like a supercharged version of their already snazzy PostgreSQL-compatible cloud database. This new feature lets the database understand and work better with AI stuff.

But wait, there's more! Google's making it easier to switch from Oracle databases to AlloyDB by adding a feature called Duet AI to its Database Migration Service. This basically helps you move your data with fewer headaches.

Not just stopping at AlloyDB, Google's also pimping out their Cloud Spanner database. They're making it easier to run queries and pull data, especially when using Google BigQuery.

Microsoft officially adds Bing AI chatbot to Google Chrome

Microsoft's Bing Chatbot isn't just for their own Edge browser or app anymore. Now, you can gab with it straight from Google Chrome. They started sneaking Bing into other browsers like Chrome and Safari a while back, and now they're promising it'll show up just about everywhere.

Some folks are saying maybe Bing isn’t trying to square up with Google. From what I've seen, you can use Bing AI on different browsers and devices, though it seems a bit hit or miss with Firefox. Microsoft did toss in some extras, like letting businesses get the Bing Chat experience on the Bing app. And if you're jamming out on Microsoft’s SwiftKey keyboard on your phone or tablet, you can have a quick 30-chat turns with Bing daily, no sign-in needed.

Microsoft’s still sweetening the pot for Edge users. If you're using Bing in Chrome, you get only five back-and-forths per chat, but on Edge? A whopping 30! Plus, other browsers might cramp your style with character limits. And if you're trying to use Bing elsewhere, don't be shocked if a pesky popup tells you to swing over to Edge.

Microsoft signs new partnership with AI and data analytics startup

Microsoft's teaming up with Synthetaic, a Wisconsin startup that's super good at using AI to check out data from stuff in the sky. Remember when that Chinese spy balloon was flying around the U.S.? Synthetaic was on it, using their fancy AI tool on Microsoft's cloud to see where it went.

Now, Microsoft's giving them a crazy amount of cloud time - like 1 million hours! The goal? Use AI to make sense of the world's data for big stuff: national safety, helping after disasters, and keeping our planet in check. Microsoft's gonna let government folks use this tool too, promising it's safe for their top-secret stuff.

Tesla Launches New $300M AI Cluster for Advanced Computation

Tesla's dropping a brand new supercomputer, and it's a beast. It's mostly for those AI things but can handle other heavy-duty computer tasks too. Built on some Nvidia tech, it's like adding a pro player to the team.

The power? Think of it this way: It can outperform one of the fastest supercomputers in the world. One cool thing about it? It's gonna boost Tesla's self-driving cars. And even though Nvidia's having trouble keeping up with demand, Tesla's got a backup plan with their own machine called DOJO.

This isn't just about fancy parts though. This powerhouse will let Tesla chew through huge amounts of data, which is key for training smart AI. Elon Musk, the big boss at Tesla, hinted they're going all in on AI and self-driving tech in the coming years. He believes strong computer power is the future of cars.

Snapchat is jumping on the AI selfie train with ‘Dreams’

Snapchat's diving into the AI selfie game with a new feature called "Dreams." Basically, after uploading your real selfies on Snapchat, the app will show you fun themed packs of AI-generated selfies. Think themes like "lookalikes" or "back-to-school." You get one freebie pack, but after that, each one's a buck. Right now, Snapchat’s mates in Australia and New Zealand are the first to test it out, with the rest of us getting it in a few weeks.

While Snapchat uses OpenAI’s tech for its chatbot, "Dreams" is based on open-source stuff with their own employees chipping in on the art. Plans are in the works to let you add buddies to your "Dreams", but everyone’s gotta agree first. And heads up, you might soon see branded packs – think Disney or Pepsi-themed selfies.

ControlRooms.ai raises $10M for industrial manufacturing troubleshooting platform

ControlRooms.ai, a startup from Austin, Texas, just scored $10 million in funding to jazz up how factories fix their problems. Factories usually deal with a lot of unplanned shutdowns, which cost a ton of money. Most still fix issues the old-fashioned way, by having people figure out what's going wrong. But this startup's got an AI tool that helps automate the process, so they can spot issues before they blow up into big problems.

The company's tech can plug into existing systems super easily, making it a no-brainer for places like chemical or energy plants. This is different from other AI solutions that are more general and not specifically made for these kinds of industries. ControlRooms.ai plans to use the fresh cash to speed up product development and expand its reach in the U.S. and other countries. They're also looking into adding more advanced AI features down the line. Right now, they have 15 folks on the team and five customers already using their product.

Rockset to boost real-time database for AI era with $44M raise

Rockset, a database company from San Mateo, California, just scored $44 million in fresh funding, bumping their total to $105 million. Why? They're killin' it in real-time data indexing for AI tech. Their foundation is built on open-source tech that was originally made by Meta (you know, Facebook's new name). They've been busy this year, making their database faster and even added a feature in April to support AI applications better.

What's the big deal? They’ve figured out how to index a special kind of data, called "vector embeddings," in real-time. That's a game-changer for AI programs that need the latest info ASAP. It's not just about storing this special data; it’s about finding and using it fast. They've even got a fancy search feature that keeps itself updated. Looking ahead, the CEO, Venkat Venkataramani, says they're just getting started and plan to add even more AI-focused features. So, basically, Rockset is one to watch in the growing AI field.

Fox Sports Taps Google Cloud for Generative AI Capabilities

Fox Sports is teaming up with Google Cloud to use some fancy AI tech that'll help them whip up content from old game footage real quick. By using Google's system, Fox Sports can dig through almost 2 million videos and make fresh content super fast for TV, social media, and ads.

It's like using a high-tech search engine to find the best clips from games. They started working together on a smart tool in 2020 that helps Fox get more out of its old videos without having to manually go through stacks of tapes. Fox was also quick to jump on other Google tools, making their behind-the-scenes work smoother. Google Cloud's big cheese, Thomas Kurian, says this tech helps Fox give their viewers top-notch content.

AI to star in the launch of Webflow’s built-in app ecosystem

Webflow, the easy-to-use website building tool, is expanding its game by letting third-party developers add their apps right into Webflow's workspace. Allan Leinwand, the CTO, says they’ve been cooking this up for a year and that it'll give a lot more tools to the 200,000 designers and companies already using Webflow. He compares the new setup to popular platforms like Shopify.

One of the first apps to jump on board is Jasper AI, an app that helps write marketing stuff like blog posts. Jasper integrates smoothly into Webflow, so users can write content without leaving the platform. Both Webflow and Jasper expect this partnership to help attract more users and make their tools more essential.

So, if you're a developer, now's the time to get in on Webflow's expanded platform. And if you're a Webflow user, get ready for a bunch of new features and tools.

OpenAI Passes $1 Billion Revenue Pace as Big Companies Boost AI Spending

OpenAI's raking in the big bucks, set to hit over $1 billion in sales this year from their AI stuff – way more than they thought they'd make. Last year, they made just $28 million. Now, with their fancy chatbot, ChatGPT, they're pulling in over $80 million a month.

Lots of businesses, from secret Wall Street ones to tech giants like Microsoft and Google, are paying attention. They see the cash potential in using OpenAI’s chat tech.

JPMorgan to invest $1bn or more a year in AI, Daniel Pinto says

JPMorgan Chase ain't too pumped about this year's investment banking scene, what with the U.S. economy being a bit soft and China's slowing down. But, they're throwing a cool billion bucks into AI each year, says their big cheese, Daniel Pinto.

For 2023, they're doubling down on AI and tech stuff, hiring brainiacs to push the tech boundaries. AI's a game changer, helping fight fraud, serve customers better, and other cool tricks. But they're careful not to let it go rogue.

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