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  • Get Ready for NVIDIA's AI Takeover: Disrupting Industries like Never Before!

Get Ready for NVIDIA's AI Takeover: Disrupting Industries like Never Before!

A Comprehensive Exploration of How Their Innovative Technologies are Pushing Boundaries and Redefining the Landscape of Art, Video, Gaming, Biological Design, and More.


NVIDIA has been enabling a huge amount of progress in AI.

Their latest innovations will push the boundaries of art, video, games and even biological design.

NVIDIA chips are what powers ChatGPT and many, many other AI applications. It' an American company that is crucial to the development of AI, but it's slowly becoming an "AI as a service" company that will slowly disrupt Hollywood, carmakers, videogame studios and even drug manufacturers.

Here's a quick video about their latest innovations.

Bing on Edge barges in on Bard

Well, it seems like there's a new sheriff in town, and it's Microsoft Edge with a cheeky twist. If you're one of those folks who dares to use Google Bard on Edge, expect a 'friendly' surprise. Microsoft's now rolling out ads for their Bing AI chatbot right on the address bar, but only when you swing by Bard's place. Cute, Microsoft, real cute.

When you punch in bard.google.com, you're greeted with a flashy Bing slide show, nestled on the top-right of the Edge's address bar. Once the show's over, it leaves behind a Bing icon. Yeah, another one, as if the default wasn't enough.

But wait, there's more. This Bing icon ain't just for show. It fires up Edge's new split view, letting you size up Bing's answers against Google Bard's. Kinda handy, I guess, especially compared to those pesky prompts trying to wean you off Chrome.

This Bing AI ad stunt's happening across both Mac and PC versions of the developer's Edge. Seems like a sign of the times – the age of AI chatbots shaping the internet. Buckle up, folks, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Bill Gates says A.I. chatbots will teach kids to read within 18 months: You’ll be ‘stunned by how it helps’

Alrighty, so Big Bill Gates, the money-bags behind Microsoft, is feeling pretty bullish about AI chatbots. He reckons these digital chatterboxes will be teaching our kiddos to read and write better in less than two years.

In a gabfest at the ASU+GSV Summit, Gates was singing praises of these AI bots, name-dropping tech prodigies like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard. These chatbots, he claims, have this wild knack for reading and writing, which will apparently change the way our kiddos learn.

Gates seems to think we'll be gobsmacked by how these bots will help kids with reading, and giving feedback on their writing. Up till now, getting a computer to critique an essay has been harder than herding cats, but these chatbots are said to be changing the game.

That said, not everyone's aboard the hype train. Some brainiacs warn that these bots aren't quite the bee's knees yet. They can still goof up and spread some hogwash if not properly supervised.

Interestingly, Gates suggests the bots will be better at language arts before they can tackle math. This might raise a few eyebrows, given that math is usually the bread and butter of AI. But apparently, chatbots, even with their big brains, still find math as puzzling as a porcupine in a pin factory.

Don't get it twisted, though, Gates is pretty certain the tech will get its act together, likely in a couple of years. He sees it as a game-changer, providing affordable tutoring to a boatload of students who otherwise couldn't cough up the dough for it.

However, let's not kid ourselves, these bots ain't gonna work for peanuts. ChatGPT already rolled out a 20-buck-a-month plan called ChatGPT Plus. Gates, though,

Google is trying to be 'safe and responsible' with AI, says the engineer who got fired after sentience claim

Blake Lemoine, our protagonist and former Google engineer, got the boot for declaring their chatbot as conscious as a squirrel on Red Bull. Now he's stepping up to say that Google ain't no pushover, and it's playing safe with the big AI game.

Blake spills the beans to Futurism that Google ain't kowtowing to OpenAI or anyone else. They've got their own game plan, and by gum, they're sticking to it. OpenAI dropping a product, he reckons, is like rain on a duck’s back to Google.

Now, here's the juicy bit. According to Blake, back in mid-2021, Google had this thing called Bard in the works. Not yet named, mind you, but they were cooking it up. It was about to be served up hot in fall 2022, just around the same time as ChatGPT. But then, someone hit the brakes. Blake raised some safety red flags, and like a balloon in a cactus patch, Bard went "pop."

Blake also hints that Google's got some secret sauce, tech-wise, that could run circles around Bard. They could've rolled it out two years ago, but they're busy making sure this AI doesn't spin yarns or pick sides in politics, gender, or race.

Now, here's the twist. Blake claimed that Google's LaMDA, a fancy chatbot, was alive and kicking with its own thoughts. He even published a chit-chat he had with LaMDA, as evidence. Google, however, disagreed, saying his sentience claim was as solid as a chocolate teapot. They handed him his walking papers for breaking confidentiality rules, denying any proof of LaMDA's consciousness.

As of this writing, Google's playing coy, not responding to comments outside working hours. Probably having their afternoon tea or something.

We’re in the AOL phase of artificial intelligence, tech CEO says, as industry raves about A.I.

Well, buckle up folks. AI's got folks more revved up than a hound in a ham shop, but the big cheese at Builder.ai, Sachin Duggal, says we're not quite at the promised land yet.

In his chat with CNBC, Duggal reckons we're still stuck in the AOL era of AI. Now, if you're too young to remember AOL, think slow, glitchy, and more frustrating than a BBQ in a thunderstorm. He says we're all thinking we're in some futuristic, fiber-optic utopia, but we ain't even close.

Sure, everyone's losing their minds over AI chatbots like ChatGPT (it's a computer program that talks like a person). It's so big, it's got over 100 million users since November 2022. That's faster than a flea jumps off a hot griddle.

Venture capitalists are throwing cash at AI like it's going out of style, thinking it's the next big shakeup, like when the iPhone waltzed onto the scene.

Duggal, though, says we're just starting to get a handle on AI, like when the BlackBerry first made text messaging a thing. But he warns we're all getting our britches in a bunch over nothing.

ChatGPT's fancy talk might have us all gawking, but it's about as good at solving math problems or understanding sarcasm as a scarecrow in a cornfield.

Duggal's betting on something called "knowledge graphs," which basically help AI make better sense of how different things relate to each other. So, instead of just guessing the next word, like ChatGPT, it's more like understanding the story.

So, sit tight y'all. We're still a few hoedowns away from the real AI shindig.

Scientists develop A.I. system focused on turning peoples’ thoughts into text

Here's the lowdown, folks. Our lab-coat brigade over at the University of Texas at Austin have whipped up an AI gadget that can turn brain waves into words. Imagine, all those thoughts you never said out loud? Well, they just might get spilled now, thanks to this gizmo they're calling a 'semantic decoder'.

You see, this contraption might just be the cat's pajamas for folks who've had a stroke or are paralyzed and can't speak no more. How did they cook up this wonder, you ask? Well, they used something called a 'transformer model', a cousin of those smarty-pants chatbots like Google's Bard and OpenAI's ChatGPT.

Here's how it works. The eggheads have folks sit in a big magnet—this 'fMRI scanner' thing—listening to podcasts for hours. And presto! The decoder's ready to roll. Once trained, it can spit out a stream of text when someone's either listening to or cooking up a story in their noggin. No exact transcripts though, just the gist of things.

But here's the kicker. Half the time, the text it spews out is spot-on or pretty darn close to what the person meant. So, if you're thinking, "I don't have my driver’s license yet," the decoder might translate it as "She has not even started to learn to drive yet." Close, right?

The decoder can even take a crack at describing what's happening in a silent video. Right now, it's a lab rat and needs that big ol' scanner to work, but the researchers are saying we might see it in more portable gear in the future. Oh, and they've filed a patent for this witchcraft. So, it's not just pie in the sky, folks!

Snap says its bot won’t notice instantly that you stopped sharing your location

Snapchat's new AI feature, My AI, is getting a whole mess of 1-star reviews, and no, it's not just because folks can't figure out how to mute it. Turns out, it's got a pesky habit of keeping track of your location even when you tell it to knock it off.

In a blog post, Snapchat admitted that My AI might be a tad slow on the uptake when you decide to turn off your location sharing. It's like it's hanging onto the memory of where you were, giving off the vibes that it's still got its eyes on you. Creepy, right?

But wait, there's more! My AI not only knows where you are, but also how old you are. All part of their plan to keep an eye on the young'uns. And any chats you have with My AI? They're stored unless you remember to delete them. So much for the right to forget, huh?

Now, Snapchat isn't just randomly tracking your location. They swear it's to help My AI suggest the best burger joint in town or the nearest coffee fix. And they're not doing it unless you give them the thumbs up when you use their Snap Map feature, which apparently 300 million of y'all are doing.

Here's the kicker, though. If you change your mind and decide to pull the plug on sharing your location, you might be left scratching your head wondering why My AI still seems to know where you are. Snapchat's explanation? Well, My AI takes "a little time" to get the memo.

The real sting in the tail? The My AI feature is stuck at the top of the Chats tab and can't be removed unless you're a Snapchat+ subscriber. Talk about a paywall to get rid of something you never wanted in the first place!

And that, folks, is the story of how Snapchat’s new bot feature got its 1-star stardom.

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