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  • Bayer Teams Up with Google Cloud for AI-Driven Solutions

Bayer Teams Up with Google Cloud for AI-Driven Solutions

Artificial intelligence, powered by Google Cloud, is poised to streamline Bayer's drug discovery and clinical processes, setting new standards for the industry


Bayer Is Rapidly Expanding Its Footprint With Artificial Intelligence

Bayer, that big-time medicine company that gave us Aspirin, is teaming up with Google Cloud to get fancy with AI. They're looking to make drug testing and discovery better and quicker. They'll be using some of Google’s cool tech tools to crunch big data sets, making sense of them faster than ever. One big bonus? AI can help cut down on the mountains of paperwork needed for these trials, making things a lot smoother.

Guido Mathews from Bayer chatted about how they're looking to shake things up in the world of X-rays and scans. They believe that with AI, they can get clearer images and better patient results. Some recent research even showed AI doing a top-notch job predicting certain health issues.

Greece is working with Israel on AI technology to quickly detect wildfires

Greece and Israel are teaming up to use AI to spot wildfires early on. After a meeting in Cyprus, Greece's PM Mitsotakis mentioned that Greece could be the testing ground for Israel's wildfire detection tech.

In recent times, Israel and Cyprus have sent planes and crews to help Greece with big fires. Netanyahu, Israel's leader, said that using AI could step up their help even more. The leaders also chatted about tapping into natural gas in the Mediterranean Sea and how they might sell it to other countries.

Robots are pouring drinks in Vegas. As AI grows, the city's workers brace for change

Robots are taking over jobs in Vegas, from bartending to hotel check-ins. Studies say up to 65% of jobs in the city could be automated by 2035. With Vegas relying heavily on tourism and hospitality, folks are wondering what's next. Local expert John Restrepo says diversifying the economy is key to avoiding a hard hit.

The Culinary Union, representing 60,000 service workers, is even ready to strike to protect jobs from AI. Some workers, however, think robots can't replace the human touch that makes their services special. And it's not just blue-collar jobs at risk; white-collar jobs could be impacted too. City officials and business owners are trying to prepare, believing that if they don't adapt to AI, they'll be left in the dust.

Plastic Surgery and Artificial Intelligence: How ChatGPT Improved Operation Note Accuracy, Time, and Education

A study used ChatGPT to whip up operation notes for plastic surgery and then compared 'em to notes made by humans. They did this from February to April 2023, with 4 surgeons in the mix. The ChatGPT notes were quicker to make, clocking in at just over 5 seconds, versus the human's 7-ish minutes. Plus, they stuck to the rules 100% of the time.

Both docs and patients were mostly jazzed about the AI-written notes. Only one surgeon and one patient weren't feeling it. Adding some extra pizzazz, another AI tool even slapped in hyper-realistic images to show stuff like where cuts were made.

AI algorithm learns microscopic details of nematicity in moiré systems

Scientists have used AI to better understand some complicated stuff about how materials behave. In materials, the electrons often dance in specific patterns because they interact with each other. Sometimes, the material itself gets twisted or bent, and that also messes with how the electrons move. Knowing the difference between the two situations can be a real head-scratcher.

The focus here is on something called "nematicity," which is just a fancy term for a certain way these electrons line up. And they're studying this in layers of graphene that are slightly twisted against each other, known as "moiré systems."

The cool part? The researchers trained an AI to look at data and spot these patterns of electron behavior. Turns out, the AI could tell what's causing the electrons to line up a certain way, better than a human could. It could also get extra information that was hard to pick up otherwise. The AI's insights could help us understand all kinds of stuff, like how to make new materials with special properties.

AI medical capabilities show accuracy in clinical decision making

Dr. Marc Siegel, a NYU medicine prof, chatted on "The Big Money Show" about ChatGPT, an AI tool by OpenAI, that's getting buzz for its medical decision-making chops. Turns out, it's got a 72% success rate in medical decisions, like diagnosing and final care calls. The study was put out by Mass General Brigham and found when the bot was given 36 medical scenarios, it did pretty well, nailing a final diagnosis about 77% of the time. But it wasn't all rosy. In complex cases, the bot's success dipped to 60%. And when it was game time for prescribing meds? Only a 68% accuracy rate.

Dr. Siegel gave AI a thumbs-up, seeing it as a useful tool, especially in places where specialists are hard to come by. But he emphasized, "It's not here to replace doctors." He also mentioned that while AI can be super efficient, it lacks the human touch. Docs bring compassion to the table, and sometimes, it's a patient's offhand comment that leads to a breakthrough. A bot can't catch that nuance.

AI identifies top predictors of adolescent suicide and self-harm

Researchers have come up with a smarter way to spot teens at risk of self-harm or suicide. Using fancy computer stuff called machine learning, they dug deep into survey data from over 2,800 Aussie teens. What's the big news? Well, old-school methods just looked at whether a teen had tried to harm themselves before. But this new method checked out a whole lot more, like a teen's mood, life events, relationships with parents, and school vibes.

Surprise twist? Previous self-harm wasn't the top red flag. The stuff happening around a teen—like their home and school life—matters a whole lot. One key find: feeling out of control in life is a big sign for suicide risk, while not handling emotions well hints at self-harm.

Why should we care? This isn't just about debunking myths. With this new approach, doctors could have a better shot at pinpointing teens who need help, rather than relying on gut feelings or limited info. However, before this tool hits the doctor's office, it's gotta pass some more real-world tests.

Tim Sweeney says Epic Games Store is open to devs using generative AI

Tim Sweeney, the big cheese at Epic Games, says bring on the AI! He's opening the doors of the Epic Games Store to games that use generative AI, unlike Valve's more cautious stance with Steam. Valve is worried about legal headaches since AI models, like ChatGPT, use a ton of data from the internet to work. That means the AI could be spitting out stuff that technically belongs to other people.

Sweeney isn't sweating it. He thinks a game that mixes human and AI creativity can be protected by law. He argues that it's a stretch to call AI-created content a "rip-off" of the stuff it was trained on. Besides, Epic doesn't use customer data to train its AI, and Sweeney says AI isn't automatically a bad guy in the copyright debate. So, if you're a dev keen on AI, Epic's rollin' out the welcome mat.

The Coming Wave by Mustafa Suleyman review – AI, synthetic biology and a new dawn for humanity

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind, wrote a book called "The Coming Wave" that dives into the future shaped by artificial intelligence (AI) and synthetic biology. He argues that these technologies are like a huge wave, offering a ton of good stuff but also bringing serious risks. We could see amazing advances, but there's also a chance of chaos and disaster if we don't manage things well.

The book calls for more than just standard rules and regulations to keep tech in check. Instead, Suleyman pushes for "containment," a long-term strategy that's about balancing our needs with the risks of these powerful tools. The end goal? Making sure we don't mess up big time and put humanity in danger.

Even though Suleyman's ideas sound like a tall order, and maybe even a bit dreamy, he lays out a detailed 10-step plan on how to get there. In short, the guy's got a serious heads-up for us: We gotta be smarter about the tech we're creating, or we're in for a wild ride.

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