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  • Build an Entire AI Agent Workforce | ChatDev and Google Brain "Society of Mind" | AGI User Interface

Build an Entire AI Agent Workforce | ChatDev and Google Brain "Society of Mind" | AGI User Interface

Artificial General Intelligence that are Set to Transform the Way We Interact with Technology, Bringing Efficiency and Intuitive Experiences


Build an Entire AI Agent Workforce | ChatDev and Google Brain "Society of Mind" | AGI User Interface

So, AGI might look like a video game, with multiple AI agents working together like a well-oiled machine, each having different roles and reaching consensus after a hearty discussion. Here, you’ve got an office vibe with AI-powered workers divided into departments. They are given tasks, they brainstorm, debate, plan, code, test, document the results, and finally deliver a working product, be it a game, an app, or whatever.

The user gets to witness this whole process, watching the software trying different ideas, solving bugs, and it feels pretty real, like a team of humans working together. It’s quite mind-blowing, and what’s even more rad is that it’s pretty cheap – some apps cost like four to eight cents to make, thanks to GPT 3.5 Turbo.

The ultimate idea is to test if this setup could run a Twitter account or create newsletters about fitness, stock news, economy, etc. It’s like creating an AI content development agency or a content marketing department. For example, if you run an e-commerce biz and want to beef up your social media game, you spin this thing up.

Microsoft Bing to gain more personalized answers, support for DALLE-E 3 and watermarked AI images

Microsoft's Bing is gettin' some upgrades, making it smarter with AI stuff. It's going to support this high-tech model called DALL-E 3 by OpenAI. This means Bing can whip up better images in chats and it’s going to know fingers, eyes, and shadows in detail.

Microsoft is also making Bing give more personal answers based on your past chats with it. So, if you’ve been yapping about your favorite movies or music with Bing, it’ll remember and use that info to give you better answers next time. But if you’re not cool with that, you can turn it off.

Another thing, to make sure people know an image is made by AI, Microsoft's putting invisible watermarks on them, a little like a secret sign. This move’s got the nod from some big names like Adobe and Intel, and it’s all about keeping things clear and honest about where images come from.

Airbnb cracking down on fake listings, will use AI to verify ads

Airbnb's tackling fake listings head-on. They axed 59,000 bogus ads this year and blocked another 157,000 from even getting up there. People using Airbnb are griping about high cleaning fees and wanting better deals. The company from San Fran made it easier to see the full price up front, which helps avoid those sneaky extra charges.

Although, just a third of the renters are checking it out. CEO Brian Chesky mentioned that Airbnb ain't the bargain it once was, but they're making changes. They're rolling out a tool that'll let hosts tweak their prices like how airlines and hotels play the game. And get this - they're unleashing AI to spot those fake listings.

Hosts in big markets like the US and UK gotta prove their place is legit. They'll pop into their property, whip out the Airbnb app, and use GPS and AI to check if their photos match up with reality. Pass the test? They get a shiny "verified" badge from February. This badge business will hit 30 more countries by end of next year.

JusticeText taps AI to transcribe evidence for public defenders

JusticeText is a startup founded by Devshi Mehrotra and Leslie Jones-Dove to help public defenders handle the massive amounts of video and audio evidence they need to review. The tech transcribes stuff like body cam footage and interrogation videos so lawyers can take notes and share clips more easily. It's got some cool features like brief summaries of evidence and a tool called MirandaAI that lets attorneys ask questions about their case.

But it ain't all sunshine and rainbows. There are concerns about data breaches and misuse of uploaded evidence. Mehrotra says they've got security measures to handle that. The startup is already working with defender agencies in Massachusetts and Kentucky and has bagged $1 million in yearly revenue. They're also looking to add Spanish-to-English translation soon.

Corti, an AI ‘co-pilot’ for healthcare clinicians, raises $60M

Corti, a Copenhagen-based startup, just bagged $60 million to grow its AI tool that helps healthcare workers assess patients in real-time. This AI "co-pilot" has been a hit; it's used 150,000 times a day and helps with 100 million patient consultations a year across the U.S. and Europe. It's not just a shiny toy—Corti claims its tool can make healthcare pros up to 40% more accurate and 90% faster with their paperwork. Big investors like Prosus Ventures and Atomico are putting their money behind it.

Corti's AI can do a bunch of stuff. It helps sort out patient needs (that's "triaging"), records consultations, helps with decision-making, and even offers second opinions. All of this helps doctors and nurses focus more on their patients and less on the red tape. The startup has built its own AI models and decided not to bring medical experts in-house to avoid any bias in the system. Despite some early skepticism and fears about AI taking over jobs, people are warming up to the idea, especially after COVID-19 stretched healthcare systems thin.

Virtual influencers: meet the AI-generated figures posing as your new online friends – as they try to sell you stuff

Virtual influencers are the new hot ticket in the online world. Think of them like animated characters who act like real people on social media. They're created using fancy computer graphics and AI, and they're big business for marketing. They're cheaper than hiring a celeb and they never get caught up in drama.

It's getting tough to tell these virtual folks from real people, and that could be a problem when they're selling stuff. India's already making rules to keep things clear, requiring these digital personalities to fess up that they're not real when they're promoting goods. And let's not forget the ethical mess around using someone's digital twin, especially if they didn't say it was okay.

For now, real and virtual influencers are sharing the spotlight, but the game is changing fast. So, human influencers better step up or risk getting upstaged by their pixel-perfect rivals.

Parkland school shooting survivor develops Joy, an app built on AI that helps people heal

After the tragic 2018 Parkland school shooting, survivor Kai Koerber decided to help folks handle their feelings with tech. Instead of pushing for gun control or diving into politics like some of his buddies, Kai used his tech background to create "Joy", a phone app.

This app uses AI to suggest quick chill-out activities based on how users sound when they talk, not what they say. Kai thinks people forgot about the mental health side of things after tragedies. He wanted something fast and easy, not just sitting around breathing. A buddy who tried the app says it's fresh and helps him relax fast.

Users chat into the app, and it guesses their mood to suggest cool activities. If the AI gets it wrong, folks can pick their vibe. The app isn't free though - it's $8 a month or cheaper for a year. The more people use it, the better it gets. Experts think tech like this could help fill gaps in mental health care. Kai believes survivors need time to heal and he's focused on making good stuff that helps people out.

Real Estate’s Hidden AI Revolution

AI is shaking things up in the real estate game, but not in the way you'd think. It's not out there building homes, but it's doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work that's revamping the whole process. For a while, the tech used for buying and selling homes got a big upgrade, but the actual building and design parts? Not so much.

The real estate business is kinda like a chain, with each step needing the next one. And right now, there are too many bumps. It takes forever just to get a house started, never mind built. But AI can smooth things out. It can help tasks get done faster with fewer slip-ups. Plus, it can help companies bring a bunch of tasks together, making everything more efficient.

Some companies are already using AI to supercharge their real estate processes. For instance, there's this thing called "digital twins." Imagine having a digital version of a city to play around with and plan things. Sounds cool, right?

There are also companies that use AI to help with design and building. One of them, Tailorbird, can look at public pictures and make them into architectural plans in half the usual time. That's faster homes and happy renters! And there's another one, Crews by Core, that uses AI to manage construction jobs. It can predict issues, like bad weather, that might mess things up.

GPUs Transformed AI. Now They’re Here For Quantum.

GPUs are changing the game again. These chips, which already supercharged AI, are now diving into quantum software, even without a quantum computer. Jack Hidary from SandboxAQ, an offshoot of Google, says it's like using "quantum software on GPUs" – a huge step.

While GPUs got famous for making AI rock, they're also perfect for handling quantum's intense math. Quantum's unique way of problem-solving works well for stuff like mimicking nature or optimizing tasks. Sure, there are baby quantum computers out there, but they’re still rough around the edges with mistakes. That said, companies are jumping on the GPU train for quantum.

Markus Pflitsch of Terra Quantum says businesses are now exploring ways to beef up performance with quantum simulations. SandboxAQ is even teaming up with a battery company, NOVONIX, to predict battery life better. Their dream? Cook up a new battery formula since electric cars are guzzling up the current supply.

This is the No. 1 ‘most important’ AI skill you need to know, says MIT expert: ‘You can learn the basics in 2 hours’

MIT expert Anant Agarwal says that if you want to be a hot commodity in the job market, you gotta know your way around artificial intelligence (AI), especially a skill called "prompt engineering."

Prompt engineering is about giving clear, specific instructions to AI programs like ChatGPT to get them to do tasks like writing emails or making presentations. So, it’s like teaching your dog tricks, but your dog’s a computer program.

Why is this important? Well, a lot of bosses are pulling their hair out trying to find folks who are good with AI. Most execs think the skills their teams have now will be outdated in a couple of years.

If you get good at prompt engineering, you could be in high demand. Some folks are making a quick $100 for creating five prompts, and some jobs are offering big bucks, like up to $375,000 a year.

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