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  • Shocking New 2024 AI Prediction by Bill Gates, Sam Altman and Elon Musk ( AGI + AI Agents)

Shocking New 2024 AI Prediction by Bill Gates, Sam Altman and Elon Musk ( AGI + AI Agents)

Delve into the minds of tech visionaries as they unveil the transformative potential of AI agents


Shocking New 2024 AI Prediction by Bill Gates, Sam Altman and Elon Musk ( AGI + AI Agents)

In the tech world, AI's the hot topic, with big names like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Sam Altman weighing in. Microsoft's teamed up with Inworld AI, focusing on video game NPCs. They're moving from simple scripts to AI-driven, dynamic interactions, making games more immersive.

Bill Gates is bullish on AI's broader impact – from healthcare to productivity. He predicts a future where AI agents could mean a higher quality of life with less work, raising big questions about our purpose and society's structure.

The Times Sues OpenAI and Microsoft Over A.I. Use of Copyrighted Work

The New York Times is suing OpenAI and Microsoft, claiming they used its articles to train AI chatbots, which now rival the paper as a news source. Filed in Manhattan's Federal District Court, the lawsuit doesn't specify a dollar amount but seeks billions in damages and demands the destruction of AI models trained with Times content. The Times had sought a friendly resolution with the companies, including a commercial deal and AI restrictions, but talks stalled. 

OpenAI expressed surprise and disappointment, emphasizing respect for content creators' rights. The lawsuit could set a precedent in AI copyright law, impacting the news industry significantly. It also underscores the challenge of protecting intellectual property in the AI era, as seen in other recent lawsuits against AI use of copyrighted material. The Times, meanwhile, is exploring AI's potential in journalism.

You can now run Microsoft's AI-powered Copilot as a free Android app

Microsoft just dropped a new app called Copilot for Android phones. It's like ChatGPT and Bing AI rolled into one, with the smartest tech out there, GPT-4 and DALL-E 3. You can grab it for free on Google Play. Once you open it, you've got all the AI tricks without needing to sign up. But if you log in with your Microsoft account, you get to ask more stuff and have longer chats.

You can type or talk to it, even ask it to check out photos. There's a choice between a light or dark look for the app. The big deal? It's all about Microsoft pushing their Copilot brand across their products. For now, it's just for Android folks. iPhone users, hang tight—your turn's probably coming soon.

Chinese VC and AI Founder Predicts Shakeout in China’s AI Sector

Kai-Fu Lee, a notable venture capitalist and former president of Google China, now leading his own AI startup 01.AI, has predicted significant changes in China's generative AI startup sector. His company, which recently achieved a $1 billion valuation, is part of a competitive landscape that includes major internet firms and numerous startups, all developing proprietary large language models (LLMs). 

Lee anticipates a rigorous selection process in the industry, with only a few companies expected to succeed while others may need to pivot or might fade away. This prediction is underscored by 01.AI's strategic shift from open-source models to selling proprietary LLMs in China, a move that recently brought the company under scrutiny.

Lee also highlights the challenges and opportunities for Chinese AI firms in the global market, considering geopolitical constraints, especially U.S. technology restrictions. He notes the importance of infrastructure teams in maximizing AI training efficiency and navigating hardware limitations, particularly amid U.S. chip export restrictions, indicating a shift towards Chinese semiconductor technology.

Samsung’s new AI-enabled smart fridge can design recipes based on your dietary needs

Samsung's rolling out a new smart fridge in 2024, jam-packed with AI smarts. It's got a camera inside that knows what food you've got and suggests recipes based on that. Plus, you can watch TikTok and YouTube right on its 32-inch screen. 

The Samsung Food app in the fridge can whip up recipes to match your health needs and even recognizes food in photos to suggest what to cook. It's not perfect, though – it only recognizes about 33 food items. Samsung's been doing smart fridges since 2016, but this one's really stepping up the AI game, linking up with other Samsung kitchen gadgets. 

BotBuilt wants to lower the cost of homebuilding with robots

Homes are getting pricier, hitting a median income of $107K for buyers, with supply at a record low. BotBuilt, launched in 2020 by Brent Wadas, Colin Devine, and Barrett Ames, is tackling this by using robots to make homebuilding cheaper and more eco-friendly. 

Focusing on framing, their robots build walls and roof trusses faster and cheaper, costing about $1 per hour to run. They’ve built nine homes, earning around $75K, and plan to scale up in 2024 with two factories. With $12.4 million in seed funding and a $35 million valuation, they’re growing their team and aiming to boost efficiency in homebuilding.

AI scope hunts down colon polyps, aiding less experienced doctors

Researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that new docs using AI help during colon checks (colonoscopies) were way better at spotting those sneaky polyps, which can lead to colon cancer if missed. This AI boost is like adding super vision to standard health checks, including breast and belly scans.

Colonoscopy is like a camera trip inside your gut to nab bad growths before they turn nasty. But even good docs can miss these, especially if they're flat or the prep work wasn't great. And if a doc's just starting out, they might miss more.

These Hong Kong brainiacs tested if AI could make newbies better at finding these growths. They had young docs with less than three years under their belt use this AI tool on patients. Turns out, the AI group found more polyps than the regular group, especially the tiny ones. 

The team thinks this AI could be a game-changer for training docs and catching cancer early. They published their findings in a fancy medical journal, saying it's time to get AI into med schools.

AI reveals how microplastics are harming global soil and agriculture

Microplastics, those tiny plastic bits, are not just in our oceans; they're messing up our soils worldwide. This is bad news for farming and our health since these plastics get into what we eat. Companies are feeling the heat to be greener, especially with all the talk about sustainability.

Enter AI. Prof. Yong Sik Ok and his team used machine learning to study these microplastics in soil. This approach is quicker and smarter than old-school methods. They found out that the size, shape, and amount of these plastics change soil in different ways, and this info is key for making better choices about handling plastic waste.

This research is a game-changer. It shows how tech can help us deal with environmental problems like plastic pollution. It’s not just good for the planet; it could lead to new jobs and greener ways of doing business.


In 2023, AI went big time, all thanks to ChatGPT and a boatload of cash. ChatGPT, which kicked off in late 2022, blew up, bagging 100 million users in just two months. This buzz led to a flood of new AI startups, cranking out stuff from fake voices to video clips. Big names like Microsoft dumped $10 billion into OpenAI, and others like Inflection and Hugging Face hit billion-dollar valuations. Even Amazon tossed $4 billion into the ring. But it wasn't all smooth sailing. Some AI hotshots, like Stability AI, hit rough waters over funding and sketchy claims.

AI started popping up everywhere. Schools banned ChatGPT, fearing kids would cheat, while docs used AI for diagnoses. Politics wasn't spared either, with some using AI for campaigns and others for dirty tricks. But with AI stuff all over the web, worries about trashy content and misuse, like fake news and AI-generated smut, spiked. The job market felt the heat too, with AI in recruiting and writing gigs at risk.

Big tech like Microsoft and Google ramped up their AI games, but not without hiccups. They even hired teams to hack their own AI to make it safer. Meanwhile, AI bigwigs faced lawsuits over using artists' work without asking. The US government stepped in, requiring AI devs to report risky tech. Amidst all this, AI leaders are split: some want open AI development, while others like Google and OpenAI prefer keeping it under wraps. As 2023 closed, the big question was how these AI ventures will start making real money, considering their heavy costs and environmental impact.

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